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#380133 - i went into the store and got some food supplies and drink supplies ( not liquor) i paid the man the $42 i owed him and waked back to the hotel on the way a guy stopped me and asked how much do you charge i looked at the man in total disgrace and said im not a fucking hocker when i got back to the hotel i went to room 401 knocked on the door after 5 minutes or so harvey finally opened the door dressed but looking a bit wet. i asked him if he just got out the shower he smiled and nodded his head in the yes direction. he lover him self down to my cock that was rock hard at this point he started jacking me off and waited with his mouth until i cummed drinking my load he said i taste better every time he drinks my cum when we had finished showering i walked out of the shower to get dressed but harvey quickly gradded hold of my boxer short and started running away with then.

Read Passionate Kaa-san wa Mukuchi de Muhyoujou de Muteikou - Original Assfucking Kaa-san wa Mukuchi de Muhyoujou de Muteikou

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I love you
Keith goodman
Thanks u are right